Monday, June 11, 2007

How am I caring for the cats from VOKRA?

What am I doing to care for these cats that I am temporarily charged with?

Well, I'm getting them ready for adoption, and specifically what that means is that I am getting them as healthy as can be and have them litter trained. I have had some success with this so far, but still there's room for more progress.

When the cat and kittens came to me, they were in good health, but were thin from not being fed. So I've been slowly feeding then a large can of cat food a day, throughout the day. At first, only the mom cat ate, and not very much. Then Columbus started eating the food, while nursing…and Snowball....preferred to just nurse.

I started to wean the kittens to start eating more solid food. It was easy really, I just let Pipi (mom cat) out of the bathroom, and as she prefers to sleep on a dinning room chair, there was less access to her. So eventually both Columbus and Snowball got hungry and would try the solid food. Now, all three will eat off the plate, but Snowball only eats for a short time (he takes big bites though) still highly favoring mom's milk.

What will usually happen is Snowball will start crying and run over to mom and bite a teat, or Pipi will start calling her babies and they will come and nurse off her. And yes, they are still nursing a lot.

Some good news about Pipi. She is finally putting on some weight and her belly doesn't feel as skinny. She didn't eat a lot at first, but I guess the more relaxed and comfortable she became, the more she'll let herself go. I play with her sometimes, but I don't want her to get too fat from lack of exercise.

Columbus is in perfect shape and gets lots of exercise playing with Snowball.

Snowball on the other hand…is larger than Columbus now (they were the same size when I got them) because he is a milk monger, and is actually a little fat around the belly. Is that possible? For a kitten to be too fat? Is that ok for their health? He gets lots of exercise as well, playing with Columbus.

Litter training wise, only Columbus continues to be a problem. He pee'd in a corner of the kitchen last night. I don't know why. It could be he liked how it felt there, the temperature was good, he just had to go, or maybe he's frustrated? Cats will urinate out of the box when stressed, but then, I think the reason is that he's just not trained enough (i.e. too dumb) to use the litter box.

What else….I checked their ears for ear mites and there are none.

I'm grooming them. Well, just Pipi really, as the kitten's aren't shedding yet. Pipi sheds a lot so today I had to vacuum the floor and use the Furminator again with her. Worked very well.

Flea wise, there are no fleas. I'll talk about that tomorrow.

I'm also giving the cats from vitamins and immunity boosters, as instructed by VOKRA to make them into super healthy super cats! That's two drops of each in the morning and at night, into their mouths. I hope this super juice is working for them.

I already gave it dewormer once. Will have to do so again on Thursday.

Stay tuned for some video of them soon.

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